Podcast Episode 42: Food Love with Janice Carte

Home Resources Podcast Episode 42: Food Love with Janice Carte
The She+ Geeks Out Podcast by Inclusion Geeks
About The Episode Transcript

Meet Janice Carte, owner of Tiny Spoon Chef (and speaker at our January 2017 networking event!). We laughed a lot and Rachel got sassed (it's cool). Learn about Janice's journey to running her own business, challenges, ups, and downs. We also talk about Top Chef, the food industry, and why ladies can't get a break sometimes.

Also on the podcast...

Show notes created by Katherine Wood. Katherine is a marketing professional with several years experience helping businesses find their voice, connecting with customers via written and digital communications, blogging and podcasting. Graduating from Boston University’s Masters in Gastronomy program, a fascinating multidisciplinary approach to studying food and wine, Katherine has used her education to work in several food and wine related industries. Most recently, immersing herself in the wine and tech startup world as a marketing manager for Drync. Katherine is a lover of traveling, cooking, and her cats Parsley and Pistachio. She geeks out over fitness, sharks and organization.