Huong Diep is a clinical psychologist in Behavioral Health, specializing in working with transgender and gender nonconforming youth. Huong is the daughter of two immigrant parents, has traveled to over 40 countries, worked for the Peace Corps and is fluent in Spanish. After we discuss her fascinating story we discuss transgender and gender nonconforming issues, particularly in relation to youth. Here are some resources to learn more. We will do a part two. There's a LOT to discuss!
Also discussed in episode 41…..
Show notes created by Katherine Wood. Katherine is a marketing professional with several years experience helping businesses find their voice, connecting with customers via written and digital communications, blogging and podcasting. Graduating from Boston University’s Masters in Gastronomy program, a fascinating multidisciplinary approach to studying food and wine, Katherine has used her education to work in several food and wine related industries. Most recently, immersing herself in the wine and tech startup world as a marketing manager for Drync. Katherine is a lover of traveling, cooking, and her cats Parsley and Pistachio. She geeks out over fitness, sharks and organization.