Sam Hammar, Director of Digital Engagement for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is a dynamo! She has spoken at several Inclusion Geeks events and we just had to have her on our podcast so we could talk to her in greater detail. Anyone who's anyone in local city government has heard of Sam. We geek out about politics and the importance of getting involved locally and her work for the Commonwealth and as Commissioner for the City of Melrose's Commission on Women.
We also include a special Shout Out Section, where we rave about two wonderful podcasts, the Stack Overflow podcast and Sooo Many White Guys. And we JUST so happen to also TALK about one of them during the podcast. Because we're so meta. Please listen to them, they'll make your ears and brain happy!
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Show notes created by Katherine Wood. Katherine is a marketing professional with several years experience helping businesses find their voice, connecting with customers via written and digital communications, blogging and podcasting. Graduating from Boston University’s Masters in Gastronomy program, a fascinating multidisciplinary approach to studying food and wine, Katherine has used her education to work in several food and wine related industries. Most recently, immersing herself in the wine and tech startup world as a marketing manager for Drync. Katherine is a lover of traveling, cooking, and her cats Parsley and Pistachio. She geeks out over fitness, sharks and organization.